Weekly Sports Announcement 11/28 – 12/3
November 29, 2022
Platt Tech Sports Fans

Platt Tech Player of the Week

Jermaine Sheppherd, Collision Repair
4 TDs (3 Rushings TDs and 1 Receiving)
Platt Tech Sports Fans,
Murphy AD of the Year! Platt Tech’s Former Athletic Director, Sue Murphy was honored as the Athletic Director of the year by the CT HS Coaches Association (CHSCA).🏆 Please forward your cards of congratulations and thanks to the school “Attn: Athletics” for “Murph’s” work here at Platt Tech for almost 30 years.😃
Below are the past week’s score and action:
🏈Football @ O’Brien Tech (7 Mile Bowl) W 32-19
Powder Puff Football: Seniors 12 vs Juniors 12
Rocket League Jordan Jones & Donovan Huggett
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: Richie Wermuth
Good Sportsmanship is expected from ALL. Remember, be a FAN, not a fanatic. Please make Platt Tech Proud.