Weekly Sports Announcement 11/21 – 11/26
November 21, 2022
Platt Tech Sports Fans

Platt Tech Sports Fans,
Platt Tech athletics are very proud of our Student-Athletics. We’ve been celebrating there achievements on the field/court. Now we can celebrate their accomplishments off the court/field. Save
This marking period almost 70% of athletes made honors/high honors. Thanks to the efforts of the players throughout the season balancing practice, homework, games, class assignments, etc. our teams succeeded.
🐾Fun Facts✨: 🏐Volleyball lead the way with 71% of their players had honors. Sophomores led the class race with 40 honor students. Juniors had 25, Freshmen had 19 and 14 senior honor student-athletes. 7 of our Athlete of the week/month were also honor students!
Great News! Platt Tech’s Former Athletic Director, Sue Murphy will be honored tomorrow as the Athletic Director of the year by the CT HS Coaches Association (CHSCA).🏆 If you would like to congratulate Mrs. Murphy, please send cards/notes to Coach Cooper. We’d love to send Murph a big package of congrats and thanks for her work here at Platt Tech over the last 29 years.😃
Last Week’s game results:
🏈Football @ Northwest United L 14-36
Next game:
Wed. 11/22 🏈Football @ O’Brien Tech (7 Mile Bowl) 2pm
Good Sportsmanship is expected from ALL. Remember, be a FAN, not a fanatic. Please make Platt Tech Proud.