Platt Tech Participates in the Connecticut Youth and Government

May 2, 2017

On the weekend of March 24th students from Platt participated in the Connecticut YMCA Youth and Government (CTYAG) State Conference at the State Capitol. Platt’s delegation included Corrine Clark (11th Grade HBC) Robert Porter (11th Grade IST), Sean Rescsanski (11th Grade MT) and Mark White (11th EL) and during that conference Corrine’s bill was passed with help of her fellow delegates!

Check out pictures here:

From Friday through Sunday, our students were busy presenting, debating, amending, and approving hundreds of bill proposals at the State Legislative Office Building and State Capitol. 

Sean Rescsanski was appointed as the Senate Majority Leader for the Charter Oak Legislature, an amazing accomplishment considering most students have had 2-3 years to make connections and build a rapport with hundreds of students to gain elected and appointed positions. 

Mark White presented two bills in House of Representatives and successfully debated his colleagues so that both bills were passed in the House of Representatives; one authored by Corrine Clark: AN ACT CONCERNING THE SAFETY OF PRENATAL CHILDREN another which he authored:  AN ACT CONCERNING MANDATORY CHILDREN COMMUNITY CENTERS FOR LOW INCOME TOWNS.

Robert Porter joined the Press Corps and was appointed the On-Line Editor for the YAGAZZETTE. He developed an on-line blog, Instagram account and administered the Twitter account for the CTYAG program.  At the final Joint Session, he received the Outstanding Press Corps Member Award.  You can check out some of his work here:

What is CTYAG?

The Connecticut YMCA Youth and Government Program is designed to introduce youths in grades 9-12 to the organization and function of the Connecticut General Assembly via participation in a mock legislative session. Delegates may participate as elected officials, representatives or senators, press corps members, or lobbyists.

Most delegates participate by writing a bill to be presented and debated at the State Conference. Press Corps participants write newspaper articles and Lobbyists prepare position papers in lieu of writing a bill.

A variety of leadership positions are available to delegates including chairing a committee, presiding over House or Senate debate, advising the Youth Governor, and more. Delegates also have an opportunity to form political parties and to campaign to be elected to one of the five youth officer positions including Youth Governor.