Platt Tech in the News: New Building Grand Opening

October 5, 2022

The new Platt Technical High School is officially open!

A grand opening for the new location was held on Tuesday morning, where special guests included Senator Richard Blumenthal, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, State Representative Kathy Kennedy, and Milford Mayor Benjamin Blake. In her remarks, Congresswoman Rose DeLauro stated, “it’s institutions like Platt Tech that give me hope for the future.” Attendees also received a commemorative coin for the event created by the Precision Machining Program at Platt. 

The new building is approximately 237,000 square feet, accommodates 12 career and technical education programs and features energy-efficient technology.

CTECS aims to meet Connecticut’s workforce needs by building the future through exemplary trade and academic programming. As CTECS Executive Director Dr. Ellen Solek stated, “The building, as beautiful as it is, doesn’t mean a whole lot until we fill it. And we are filling it with purpose, pride and with a mission. Our mission is to contribute, like no one else, to Connecticut’s workforce both now and in the future.”

Special thanks to Governor Lamont’s office; Office of Policy and Management; Department of Administrative Services; Office of School Construction Grants and Review; the State Department of Education; Drummey, Rosane, Anderson, Inc.; KBE Building Corporation; and the Morganti Group, Inc., for their continued support and the hard work that went into this project.