CADD Student Becomes Eagle Scout
September 7, 2016
Congratulations to Taylor Benoit on becoming an Eagle Scout

Taylor Benoit
Taylor Benoit, a junior in CADD, successfully passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review last June, and now has earned the honor of being an Eagle Scout at the age of 16. Taylor has been a scout since 1st grade when he joined as a Tiger cub scout, and has been dedicated to scouting ever since. He has held many leadership positions in his Boy Scout troop including Scribe, Quartermaster, Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader and is currently the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. He volunteers with a local Cub Scout pack as a Den Chief inspiring young scouts in his community, and every summer volunteers at Cub Scout Day Camp at Eisenhower Park. His Eagle Scout project was replacing a rotted hillside staircase at Camp Cedarcrest in Orange. He organized over 30 volunteers, materials, tools, and supplies to replace the stairs, lay gravel and white rock around the staircase. A plaque in his honor is displayed at the project site.