Connecticut Youth and Government 2018 Conference Weekend

March 14, 2018

Congratulation to the Platt Tech Connecticut YMCA Youth and Government (CTYAG) team who participated this past weekend.

Our delegation included Christian Haupt (11th Grade Plumbing) Robert Porter (12th Grade IST), Sean Rescsanski (12th Grade MT) and Andreina Barajas (10th HVAC). Both Sean and Christian wrote bills on the opioid crisis and vaccinations based on religion, respectively.

From Friday through Sunday, our students were busy presenting, debating, amending, and approving hundreds of bill proposals at the State Legislative Office Building and State Capitol. As only a second year delegation, Everyone was impressed with our students’ enthusiasm and success! We also had two students work as members of the Press Corps; Andreina Barajas worked as a Staff Writer, publishing numerous articles throughout the weekend, and Robert Porter worked as the On-Line Editor for The New YAG Times among various other roles.

Below are some highlights from each student:

Sean Rescsanski

  • His opioid bill passed in the Senate.
  • He amended multiple bills that were later passed.
  • He was appointed as a member of the YAG Select Committee (which wrote party bills).
  • He was nominated for Senate Minority Speaker.
  • His bill was nominated for best bill and was a finalist!
  • He was nominated for Best Debater.

Robert Porter

  • He managed all YAG On-Line Relations as the On-Line Editor for the The New YAG Times.
  • Ensured the Press Corps Newspaper was published twice daily on-line and distributed paper copies to delegates.
  • He maintained and took all photographs for all articles in the YAG Times working as the only photographer.
  • He also developed an on-line blog, Instagram account and ran the Twitter account for the CTYAG program.

Andreina Barajas (first year YAGer)

  • Wrote for the Press Corps.
  • Published two articles daily which required 3 interviews per article and attendance at major events.
  • Wrote a unique article covering a Youth And Law defense and assisted in distribution of the YAG Magazine.

Christian Haupt

  • First year YAGer who wrote an article on vaccinations for children in schools with specific focus on religion.
  • His bill passed committee and made it to the House and Senate floors.
  • He truly grew in confidence as the weekend progressed, engaging in lively debate and taking a stand for bills that were well written and argued well.

Our Team was lead and chaperoned by english teacher and Youth And Government Advisor Britany Kuslis and english teacher Laura Flowers was kind enough to help chaperone these gifted students from Friday-Sunday sacrificing many hours of sleep for a packed schedule each day of the conference. Thank you Brittany and Laura for dedicating your time and efforts!

After starting this delegation last year and being the ONLY TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL in Youth And Government we are all thrilled and so incredibly proud to advise this hardworking, motivated and gifted group of young delegates. As always, they represented our school with dignity and pride and were consummate professionals throughout the duration of the weekend. Our students are talented and gifted as evidenced by their ability to collaborate and compete with students from schools all across Connecticut. As was the plan last year, the hope is to help our delegation to grow and return next year bigger and stronger so that other students can share in this amazing experience at the Legislative Office Building.

What is CTYAG?

  • The Connecticut YMCA Youth and Government Program is designed to introduce students in grades 9-12 to the organization and function of the Connecticut General Assembly via participation in a mock legislative session. Delegates may participate as elected officials, representatives or senators, press corps members, or lobbyists.
  • Most delegates participate by writing a bill to be presented and debated at the State Conference. Press Corps participants write newspaper articles and Lobbyists prepare position papers in lieu of writing a bill. Youth And Law students are given a case to analyze and are interviewed and questioned by acting attorneys and win awards based on their ability to argue for a case.
  • A variety of leadership positions are available to delegates including chairing a committee, presiding over House or Senate debate, advising the Youth Governor, and more. Delegates also have an opportunity to form political parties and to campaign to be elected to one of the five youth officer positions including Youth Governor.